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Kingsway International College Network

Description of a Two Year Affiliate College Program

This program is designed specifically for:

  1. CHURCHES with a desire to provide their adults (ages 16 - 100) with a Bible Institute program which will cause each adult to become a student of the Word. The ultimate goal is to make "doers" of the Word rather than hears only.
  2. CHURCHES who feel it is important to begin training workers now for future growth and expansion. Every church needs lay-leaders, elders, deacons, and a multitude of ministry helps which produces room for church growth.

The Two Year Program:

  1. Your Local Church may offer courses at any time.
  2. College Credit: Students, who are interested in accumulating credits faster toward a Christian accredited Degree, may enroll at Kingsway University & Theological Seminary while attending classes at your college.
  3. Kingsway International College Network will provide all Certificate - Associate level syllabuses, text and books.
    Answer Keys will be provided for Certificate - Associate level courses. Affiliate Bible Colleges are not authorized to offer Degrees above the Associate level.
  4. Instructor(s): Instructors should have a solid background of Biblical knowledge. Pastors who have over 15 years of active ministry are eligible to apply for an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree, subject to approval of the Board of Directors of Kingsway University & Theological Seminary.

Kingsway International College Network Policies:

  1. Advertising: All advertising must clearly state that the Bible College is affiliated with Kingsway International College Network who is a member of I.A.B.C.S.
  2. Student Application: Each student must complete a student application and registration form. Mail these to the home office of KICN. Retain a copy for your files. Original master forms are provided by KICN with your College name on them.
  3. Attendance Records: The instructors of each course are responsible to record: Student Attendance and Homework Assignments. Forward a copy of to the KICN office.
  4. Affiliate Bible College Finance Report: KICN will collect all of the fees from each student and send the affiliate there share, according to the chart below, by the 20th of the month after they have been received by KICN.
Student Costs Amount Due Retained by KICN Forwarded to Affiliate Institute
App. Fee(one year) $25.00 $12.50 $12.50
Reg. Fee(per course) $10.00 $5.00 $5.00
Tuition per course $150.00 $75.00 $75.00
Books Are billed separately
Total $185.00 $92.50 $92.50

NOTE: Grade cards will not be issued to students until accounts are paid in full

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Description of a Two Year Bible College Program | Contractual Agreement | Materials and Services
Governing Structure | Responsibilites of an Affiliate Bible College | Financial Obligations | Cancellation Details